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Insurgant (2015) Review

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

I remember when I first read the books. The first one was interesting from the start, with the whole story-line of the fractions with all its diversity, and yet so single-minded. I liked all about the start of Triss first meeting with the dauntless, the trains and the jumping first and the weird friendships that formed under huge pressure. So far, the first movie, Divergent, was following suit and I liked how the creators of the movie kept to the story of the book. However, I think I lost interest in the middle of the movie, with all that fighting and screaming and it just kept going on...and on.... So I think I just forgot to watch the sequel, this one, Insurgent. Surprise surprise, I liked it a whole lot more than I did the first one! Apart from the fighting, where I went to the loo, or in to the kitchen to get something, I enjoyed. The story is so together in this one. It's all about Triss finally getting to open the box. Simple. The box can only be opened by a divergent, which she is to 100%. The authorities finds the box in Triss parents house, where they have been keeping it safe from the leaders.

So the authorities, played beautifully by one of my favorite actors, Kate Winslet.

Oh she is one cold-hearted bitch in this movie. Anyway, they capture Triss and set her up to some tubes that appears to have their own lives. Just open the box already Triss, and you' can come down from the tube thing. Photo here I think. Box and Triss in tubes.

And a story wouldn't be complete without also containing love, and friendships torn apart, right? Yes, of course. So our Triss have a boyfriend, Four from Divergent. She has a brother, who believes that he is doing the right thing siding with Kate Winslet. (maybe he just want to be around greatness?) But here is Triss and her boyfriend Four (also known by Tobias, which is almost like a password in some groups...)

And then she opens the box. And et voila - they all find out that the divergents are the important ones, that the whole thing has been an experiment from the world beyond with the hoped result of finding out if divergents could ever be formed. . Etc. Yeah. It held together well, and I enjoyed it. Not too much. Not too little. Just enough, you know? For wanting to see the sequel of this one. Marianne

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